11 definitions by Bezzle Bedeviled

In contrast to the rank-and-file "useful idiot" (typically a disposable agitator), a "professional idiot" earns a living satisfying regime objectives. Examples include teachers, scientists, economics, and journalists promoting establishment narratives, and shock jocks and controlled-opposition figures pushing fall-back propaganda (loudly-advertised phony deplatforming pogroms may be instituted against these latter figures with declining levels of interest in order to remind you, the rube, that they exist). The professional idiot is intensely adverse to actual productive work, and invariably gravitates to careers in government and its associated parasitic organizations, or to other roles permitting him to talk for a living.

The difference between a professional idiot and a traitor is that the idiot believes in the bullshit he spouts whereas a traitor is consciously aware of the hidden goals of the entity he supports or receives compensation from. That said, the line differentiating professional idiocy from treason is amorphous, and much apparent "idiocy" is simply a cunning ruse on the part of knowing agents of influence, so much so that, for the clearest picture, the prudent observer will invert Hanlon's Razor to read thus: "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice."
"Paul Krugman is the quintessential professional idiot."
by Bezzle Bedeviled January 12, 2020
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Stupid People Overload is a "boom and bust" evolutionary theory relating to humanity which posits that during periods of peace and tranquility (the "boom"), imbeciles outbreed the intelligent by a significant margin until they become a dominant majority controlling societal institutions (including government), precipitating collapse back into war (the "bust").
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"Stupid People Overload"
(Population boom & bust cycles in homo sapiens)

Humanity is the only species which seeks the favor of its own predator.

Sad to say, I think these sorts of tyrannies and revolts are cyclical: In times of peace and abundance, the percentage of morons in the general population increases (with implications for democracy which you can well imagine). And as sure as Ambrose Bierce described (in "The Devil's Dictionary") the vote as the route by which a freeman makes a fool of himself and a wreck of his country, they soon come to ruin by electing slavemasters over their own heads. Then follows a period of oppression which the smart see coming and flee, and the remainder are ground into hamburger. Supporting my assumption are statistics drawn from the work "IQ in the Meritocracy": The post-WWII nations with the highest percentile IQ were Germany, Japan, and Israel - those three whose populations had suffered the largest percentile casualty rates during the war.

> We are living in and observing a country in the very final stages
> of decay. It is accelerating because very few have the guts to get
> involved and expose this corruption. The spiral is very fast at this
> point. How do you make people care?

You can't "make people care".

See, it's a *evolution* thing.

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(Archived from usenet: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.politics.media/KKfiVjeYDQI%5B501-525%5D
by Bezzle Bedeviled April 29, 2020
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A portmanteau of Wikipedia and propaganda, wikiganda is what issues from the O’Sullivan’s Law-subsumed online encyclopedia that ostensibly "anyone can edit", but which in practice is a thought-policed lie-factory peddling establishment narratives.
"When a CNN or a FOX News bimbette reads some bullshit off her teleprompter, you don't buy it for a second, because yer smart, right? But when the same thing is written in Wikipedia with CNN or FOX as the 'reliable source', your dumb brain will eat it up with a spoon. And the garbage will sit there for years, waiting patiently like poison in an unlabeled container. That's the power of wikiganda."
by Bezzle Bedeviled August 12, 2019
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A portmanteau of Zuckerberg and English, Zucklish is English, but in which "naughty" words are spelled differently to avoid social-media algorithmic thought-police. As the roster of thought-crime words increases over time, misspellings must become ever more inventive.
"I forgot my Zucklish and spelled 'faggot' without a zero, and now I'm in Facebook jail for three days!"
by Bezzle Bedeviled May 1, 2020
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