33 definitions by Bed Time

A traffic lane intended for some other purpose, such as turning or exiting, but used for "me-firsting" by a motorist.
A me-firsting lane can be any of the following:

1.) A turning lane when used to go straight. The motorist gets into that lane (which is clear), goes faster than the speed of others in the congested "straight" lane, and then sneaks in in front of another vehicle s/he was previously behind in order to get ahead in traffic and possibly make a light.

2.) An upcoming exit or merge lane used to pass slowed traffic on a highway, then sneak back into the lane where one previously was, but ahead of one or more vehicles.
by Bed Time February 1, 2010
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A person who likes to shop or hang out at Wal-Mart a lot.
She is such a walnut.
by Bed Time April 1, 2010
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A place where chametz (and non-Passover dishes) are stored during Passover.

Jewish law requires Jewish people to refrain from ownership of chametz during Passover. Chametz owned by a Jew before Passover may be kept for use after Passover if it is sold to a gentile. If so, it may remain in the Jew's dwelling if stored out of sight.

In some homes, the area the owner has designated for storage looks like a monster mouth, hence the name "chametz monster."
We must put all our chametz in the chametz monster.
by Bed Time April 15, 2010
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Nickname for former U.S. president George W. Bush.

A reference to the burning bush in the Bible, which was on fire, but was not charred.

He was nicknamed as such because he was plagued with scandal throughout his entire presidency, yet he managed to complete 8 years in the White House and beyond without any legal action being taken against him or any plans to remove him from office, and since he finished, he has still remained untouched by the hands of the law.
It is alleged by some that The Burning Bush committed more than 300 impeachable offenses during his presidency.
by Bed Time May 26, 2010
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A Chanukah menorah.

Named as such for its beauty, compared to viola instrument music.
The lights of the viola are beautiful
by Bed Time December 17, 2009
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An ancient Persian game combining elements of checkers and chess.

Uses board of checkers/chess and checkers pieces.

Set-up is like checkers, except each player sets up pieces on opposite-colored spaces.

Regular moves are made diagonally like in regular checkers.

Capturing is done by moving one's piece in a straight line two spaces in which there is an opponent's piece in the space between. Pieces that are not queens or kings can only capture by moving forward.

A piece that reaches the opposite end does not become a king. It becomes a queen, and it can move diagnolly (without capturing) a single space in any direction, and it can capture by moving either forward or laterally.

A queen that returns to the player's own end safely becomes a king. A king can move diagnolly any number of spaces in a single direction on a single move (without capturing), and can capture by moving in any direction.

All types of pieces may capture multiple opponent's pieces on a single move if possible given their abilities described above.

Winner is last player with a legal move.
Sukkah has no relationship to the Hebrew word suka, also sometimes spelled sukkah, which refers to a hut built on the holiday of sukkot.
by Bed Time March 23, 2010
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Cleaning up one's messy house (or a similar setting) in a hurry by hastily stuffing junk and other items into closets, drawers, and other places visitor(s) would not enter or see so when visitor(s) arrive, the areas of the house visitor(s) will see (typically the living room and other nearby places) will appear presentable, but the messiness of the house (and the owner's slobbiness) remain hidden.
My boss is coming over, so I have to do an emergency cleanup.
by Bed Time April 2, 2010
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