12 definitions by Bd

A phallus; or cock.
In his free time, Steve Wynn loves to suck on a nice hard chotch. His roommate Terrence also enjoys a good chotch in his ass.
by Bd November 13, 2003
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Word used to describe a severly homosexual individual, dating back to biblical times.
That syfonic just kissed his husband.
by Bd October 16, 2003
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Large Galka. Often quick to anger.
The Ubergrand ninja'ed the last beer.
by Bd August 25, 2004
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The small area between your balls and your asshole
As I was wiping my ass, I got shit all over my inbetweenus.
by Bd April 19, 2004
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A college which exemplifies "Hell Frozen Over," located in Northfield VT that prides itself on its ability to create frighteningly skewed male to female ratios, host massive sausage fests, impersonate various braches of the US Military, and play host to a lost, purposeless group of students, commonly referred to as "civis", who are simultaneously the source of the school's student abuse and financial stability. A place that no one would ever want to visit, especially considering the numerous Foam Dance parties hosted on campus. Furthermore, one of the few places where sledding will, undoubtedly, produce serious injuries in even the brightest of its students. Overall, a nasty place that the sun never shines on, the snow never leaves, and icy cold celebacy rules with an iron chastity belt.
Sex kills. Come to Norwich and live forever!
by Bd October 1, 2004
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