64 definitions by BIG D

crying/sad smiley
variant of ;_; or T_T
bob: I thrashed your car
steve: ,>_<,
bob: rotfl
by BIG D March 12, 2005
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The byproduct of cat skinning. Has nothing to do with Grabley Skun unless things are getting REALLY kinky.
The dog ate all the skun the night after we ate chinese food.
by BIG D November 18, 2003
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The land were the n00bs live.
noob: liekomg roxors yor boxors omgwtfbbq
dude: stfu noob, run back to n00bia
noob: ,>_<,
by BIG D March 15, 2005
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This thread is useless without pics

Used on forums when someone says they seen something really cool but doesnt post pics to back it up.
Guy #1 I saw this hot lil asian chick today!

Guy #2 TTIUWOP n00b!!!
by BIG D May 18, 2004
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A fetish act where one deficates onto a glass plate which is held above another's face for viewing pleasure.
That plate job you gave me was lovely, darling, it oozed for a while, smeared nicely, and smelled an awful lot like flowers!
by BIG D January 9, 2003
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THE best show ever made!
Main characters:
Kramer, Cosmo

They're always getting into trouble with other people who aren't really like them. They have there own world that really depends on Superman and cerial. Incase some people watching the show didn't notice, in every episode there is something about Superman, whether it's said or seen.

No show out there has yet to match it.
George:What about a show about nothing?
Jerry:Are you out of your mind? Okay, what would happen in show?
George:What did you do today?
Jerry:Well I got up, I took a shower, got dressed, and came here.
George:There's a show, that's a show!
Jerry:So you want me to go into NBC and tell them we want to do a show about nothing?
Jerry:I think you may have something here.
by BIG D June 27, 2004
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Used to describe a person that is either acting like:

A) A huge pussy
B) An annoying dick
C) A bitch
D) A combination of the two.

Can be pronounced -ass instead of azz.

Unfunny when said incorrectly
By not smoking the ganja, Steve Bowers is acting like a pussyazz bitch
by BIG D March 10, 2003
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