5 definitions by AverageCanadian7567

The act of one smearing human shit across their chest, usually done by another person against their will
He smells really bad, I bet he’s a smear
by AverageCanadian7567 March 8, 2023
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A romantic couple that covers each other entirely in chocolate then make love, after it is finished they get divorced because their marriage was a horrible idea
Did you hear about Kevin? He and his wife did a triple chocolate divorce
by AverageCanadian7567 March 8, 2023
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A term used when a person “smears” a lot, to the point of absurdity, to learn what a smear is, check the definition on smear by this same author
Man1: look at Smears McGee over there
Man2: oh yea, I can tell he’s a smear by the smell
by AverageCanadian7567 August 17, 2023
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“The Colbster” is a nickname given to a guy named Colby, he loves to eat shit and often says the phrase “ it’s Colbin time” in the act, it serves as a reference to his favourite movie morbius
Man 1: I can smell something really bad

Man 2: it’s probably The Colbster
Colby: it’s colbin time!
*the Colbster then eats human shit*
by AverageCanadian7567 March 20, 2023
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