5 definitions by Asianboy6988

He is friends with aryha. Should explain it.
Why do you like holding hands with aryha and Anthony G?
by Asianboy6988 November 17, 2019
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He only can last 2 seconds in bed(his own hand). He loves phò.
I love my ho my nam ho.
by Asianboy6988 November 17, 2019
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Buffest guy alive, loves scratches his nose abusively. If you meet him, watch out. He gonna grab dat ass.
by Asianboy6988 November 21, 2019
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The definition of hypebeast. Total beast tennis player (of course).
Who's Mike R? "buy hypebeast stuff then resell it to dave"-nam
by Asianboy6988 November 20, 2019
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Can't shoot a three but brags he can shoot a half court shot. Loves buying shoes from Mike R.
Should Dave MK make varsity? "Cant shoot normally, always looks like he is never trying"-Anthony G
by Asianboy6988 November 20, 2019
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