6 definitions by Anti-bin chicken society

Sarcasm but when used from a chair, it lies hidden with the other many forms of sarcasm
p1; "Why are you being so sarcastic?"
p2; "Bro I'm on a chair, I'm being Chaircastic."
p1; "Chaircastic?"
p2; "Chaircasm, sarcasm on a chair!"
by Anti-bin chicken society July 23, 2019
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Dominic's are the fattest retards on the planet. They use their fake popularity to get away with things that they shouldn't get away with. They are widely believed to be cool, popular and fun people when in reality they are pains that destroy things and act retarded to impress people for Instagram likes.
Oh God! Here come's another Dominic!

"Another day..."
"Another Dom"
by Anti-bin chicken society June 25, 2019
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A type of person who laughs uncontrollably, then when finished, laughs some more. Until everything is done and the world has ended, they will most likely be laughing.
Oh, it's Jake, he is so just another Austin
by Anti-bin chicken society March 26, 2019
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A way of saying the B word, 'B*tch', but it means a male dog.
You son of a b*tch!
You daughter of a ritch!
by Anti-bin chicken society June 27, 2019
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The strangest form of yeeting, usually occurring when one yeets a pineapple towards an old woman and is occasionally used for other yeetings, but not often. This form of yeet originated from Aztec times, when small pineapple like fruits was thrown at animals as a sacrifice to the Aztec gods. These people would shout YEETUS GLEETUS, and do their best to finish saying it before the pineapple made contact. After many years this tradition has changed, as it is evident that old women, and sometimes old men, are used as a substitute for the animal factor of this practice.
Are you ready to take part in the annual Yeetus Gleetus?
by Anti-bin chicken society June 27, 2019
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