100 definitions by AnonDoxy

Refers to a British police officer.
British police officers are referred to as 'constable' as opposed to 'officer'.

The term cunt-stubble is an intentional miss pronunciation of the title constable.

This alternative pronunciation of the title constable is well deserved as British police officers are cunts.
Why have you stopped me cunt-stubble?
by AnonDoxy November 26, 2018
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The creation of Israel marked the reforming of the Israelite tribe.
Any Jews that didn’t become Israelis are deemed to have abandoned the tribe and so shouldn’t be practicing Judaism as that’s the religion of the Israelites/Israelis.
Before the creation of Israel the term jew was relevant but since the creation of Israel the term jew is obsolete.
Any non Israelis practicing Judaism and calling themselves Jews are deceiving themselves and others.
by AnonDoxy January 22, 2023
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A slacktivist that tweets disinformation and conspiracy theories on social media websites.
trutherbots are slacktivists.
by AnonDoxy August 18, 2017
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A country that leases nuclear warheads to other countries as this situation is very financially beneficial to the nuke pusher and it also enables the nuke pusher to exert influence on nuke junkies, essentially blackmailing them into doing things for the nuke pusher, such as by helping the nuke pusher to invade other countries; Nuke junkies will comply for fear of being charged a higher price for nuclear warheads or worse being denied a future lease of nuclear warheads with the nuke pusher.
The US Government is a Nuke Pusher.
by AnonDoxy July 9, 2018
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