111 definitions by AnonDoxy

Cause (someone) to have their perspective on Jews dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and disturbing understanding of the true nature of Jews.
Kikes hate it when people are Handsome Truth Pilled
by AnonDoxy April 23, 2023
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A lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by islam.
In a sabre-punk society getting stoned has nothing to do with marijuana.
by AnonDoxy January 24, 2019
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Pronoun Punk a subgenre of science fiction similar to steampunk or cyberpunk that combines the aesthetics of the LGBT culture.
Oh look there goes a clown.
Oh no it’s just a Pronoun Punk
by AnonDoxy March 30, 2023
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Persons on twitter whom unfollow everyone they're following so as to skew their follower vs following ratio so they are following zero but they have lots of followers; they do this because they think it makes them look popular but it just makes them look like a twat.
Voxi is a ZeroFag.
by AnonDoxy June 20, 2018
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Means: Cut & Paste activist.

Refers to a slacktivist on a social media website whom cut & pastes and post other people's wisdom to make people think they are wise.
by AnonDoxy June 20, 2018
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Train that took Jews to Auschwitz.
Jews has a one way ticket on the Joo Joo Train
by AnonDoxy December 6, 2023
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