16 definitions by Anomaly

An awkward, lame beach-goer.
A poser who tries to look like he surfs or swims, yet flails around in a helpless panic when he gets in the water.
by Anomaly February 20, 2005
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1. One of the most clueless, non-smart people in the world, His unexplainable actions and obsession with running is unparalleled.

2. Penis. See Synonyms: Peter, John.
"Dossin just shit his pants"

"Just grab my Dossin once, please?"
by Anomaly December 7, 2003
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To give someone a gift that you got for free (usually without telling them that it cost you nothing).
Ah, Nancy, you freegifted that necklace!
by Anomaly January 15, 2007
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The state of being both a ho and a retard.
Damn, girl, you're a fucking hotard!
by Anomaly July 4, 2005
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A neighbor who is too eager to make friends. AKA: "Nuber"
Is Dick's uber neighbor trying to get him to go to a bible study again?
by Anomaly December 11, 2005
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