8 definitions by Andrew Werlinger

An individual who is dangerously close to being known as and reffered to as an asshole.
Jake is a borderline asshole, only learning control his temper will save him.
by Andrew Werlinger November 7, 2006
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1. A phrase uttered when a person feels the urge to deficate, and is aware that the feces to be expelled is both solid and of considerable mass.

2. A phase uttered upon an inquiry to your last location, if said location was the toilet. (Same fecal prerequisites apply)
Man, that beer and burrito combo really got to me, I have to go feed it a corn husk!
by Andrew Werlinger November 8, 2006
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A male or female who is both bulky and hairy.
Greg is an assquach, he has to shave his shoulders.
by Andrew Werlinger November 7, 2006
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A drawing or diagram of a complex subject that is so poor in quality, and so vague, that it resembles a chaotic mess of atomic particles. A more severe version of a clusterfuck.
The diagram Ryan made of the city was pure unknownium, he must have drawn it drunk.
by Andrew Werlinger November 10, 2006
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The action of attempting to be a part of something, such as a club or secret society, that the "shriver" ha absolutly no chance of being a part of, due to stupidity of physical abnormality. I.e. trying in vein.
Christy shrives so hard to be a model, but she weighs 450 pounds.
by Andrew Werlinger November 7, 2006
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One who makes a point to say the most rediculous things at the worst possible time, often to the listeners misfoutune. It is always part of a Dousche Magousch's plan to use this to get a promotion, gold star, etc.
The talk with the boss was going fine, until Richard poked his head in and said, "you forgot to clock out last night!" I was fired. Richard is a fucking Dousche Magousch.
by Andrew Werlinger November 7, 2006
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To beileve in a conspiracy that is so rediculous, the only explanation for it is that you are mentally retarded.
Hey man did you see that 9/11 video? Yeah what a tardspiracy!
by Andrew Werlinger November 7, 2006
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