66 definitions by Anarcissie

(adv) purely, absolutely, completely, totally, ne plus ultra, pure or maximum case or instance of something
Stone dead. Stone crazy. Stone flaming bow-legged bitch.
by Anarcissie May 13, 2008
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Showing hair, to show hair: verb meaning to exhibit courage and/or expertise under pressure. Originally this was surfer and biker lingo from the mid-20th century, and relates to the era when it took a certain amount of daring for a man to wear his hair long.
'Nick's all talk. You'll never see him showing hair.'
by Anarcissie July 7, 2013
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To plead guilty in the hope of getting a reduced sentence or some other consideration.
'Scunge was caught with his hand in the till, but he chose to plead out while implicating others and got off with a suspended sentence.'
by Anarcissie January 9, 2012
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(adj) Someone or something which has reached an absolute, final, or perfect stage, usually as a cool, fashionable, good or desirable thing. (Mid-20th century hipster argot; the idea is that the person or thing is so good it has left the party, town, or planet.)
"Man, she is one gone chick."
by Anarcissie May 13, 2008
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(verb) of a computer or other machine, or a set of them: to stop functioning in the middle of a job or operation, to enter a suspended state, especially unexpectedly and without giving any indication of the cause.
"Morris's message ordered each receiving machine to send out a dozen like it, causing the whole network to hang."

"My computer mysteriously hangs every morning at 9:30."
by Anarcissie May 28, 2008
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To manipulate Kickstarter pledges so as to damage the compaign or project, possibly in order to profit, or to vandalize it for amusement. Also, someone who kicktrolls, or an instance of kicktrolling.
'The Kickstarter campaign had to be canceled because a kicktroll kept making and withdrawing pledges of $1000.'
'The kicktroll made a very large pledge, got the goodies, and then complained to the credit card company that his card number had been stolen.'
by Anarcissie February 9, 2014
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(noun) courage, boldness, wildness, balls, especially in "show hair", to demonstrate these qualities. Probably from mid-20th cent. surfer lingo. Related to "hairy" meaning difficult or frightening.
"Yeah, he has a stripped Harley, but he's a candy-ass -- he's not showing anyone any hair."
by Anarcissie May 18, 2008
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