5 definitions by Amy Rooney

A busy bee is someone who works very hard throughout life, they don't ever take any breaks.
"Omg, could you do something for once you lazy imbicile"

"Shut it you busy bee, go eat some honey, that'll shut you up"
by Amy Rooney December 11, 2021
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A very cool and chill person, who doesn't bother too much with work and doesn't rush themselves.
Person 1:"Could you get on with it?? You haven't done anything!!"

Person 2:"Ugh shut up, you busy bee and let me be a wasp"
by Amy Rooney December 12, 2021
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Loofa is a way of calling someone a silly billy or something goofy.It can also mean a shower sponge to wash your body with.
Person 1: Hey what’s the capital of Scotland?
Person 2:Edinburgh how’d you know that man your such a loofa
by Amy Rooney June 8, 2022
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Delressed means when you're at an awkward stage in you're life where you can not stand much, and therefore emo but are depressed as well, so you become delressed.
Person 1: "You're so annoying!"

Person 2: "Shut up you delressed idiot"
by Amy Rooney December 7, 2021
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