5 definitions by Allabaster

To describe the head of someone who has just done something careless or stupid. Usually directed towards someone with a pretentious attitude towards others.
"That nuff bag broker just sold some more stock he didn't have, now the nuff bag has to buy 'em back."
by Allabaster August 3, 2006
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A wang or Largeish penis.
"Dude! Put your meat mace away!"

"I call him Mr Dongski."
by Allabaster November 10, 2009
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A polish homosexual.
Usually a resident of marrickville with a deep lisp.
That guy is going for the pwerf look.
by Allabaster January 31, 2007
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A term used when conversing with those who view the words of Charles Darwin as sacred gospel and co-opt natural selection to build a foundation of metaphysical materialism.
Sweet St Darwin of the Galapagos you are an idiot!
by Allabaster July 16, 2009
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A slang term used to describe a muslim leader.
One that muslims respect but all others laugh their arses off at because of their funny beards and stupid tea towels on their heads.
Also they talk funny.
"Some leb got offended at my ayatollah assahola shirt so he ran away to get some buddies to beat me up, but by the time they got back i was kickin back in the shire."
by Allabaster August 31, 2006
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