16 definitions by Alisha

Its havin somethin to do with being in your own world and it being really tripped out, but without the aid of drugs... kinda like when u space off looking at a light and when u come back to concioucness ur kinda light headed and there are spots and such everywhere... and everything kind wobbles around...
you know... it wobbles... its blotted...

see microcosm and macrocosm for a better picture
by Alisha July 10, 2004
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a mix if jazz and punk
"That junk music wasnt too bad.."
"What? If its junk then how is it any good?"
"You dipshit! Learn your lingo..."
by Alisha July 9, 2004
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An itching of the bum or painful mass of diolated veins in swollen butthole tissue. Blood or mucus is most likely discharged
That fatty fatty boom batty over there has hemorrhoids and is bleeding out of his anus and he wants you to touch it!!
by Alisha November 30, 2002
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When a guy bust off in a girls eye then punches her in it. Black eye plus cum equals a jelly donut.
If my girl keeps nagging me Im going to give her a jelly donut.
by Alisha March 20, 2004
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gonzo someone with a big, odd-shaped ass nose
by Alisha April 22, 2005
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