21 definitions by Alexa

A cross between the name Alexa and Erin
I had a baby and wanted to name it after two different people. So I just called her Erexa.
by Alexa April 12, 2005
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Dirrty james sullivan came up with it trying to be cool. it means the same thing as dirrty, a.k.a slutty
look at that hoe shes so derrty
by Alexa October 1, 2004
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One who is not heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. This person is what they call fun, and will try anything once.
"When I was with her, she tried everything at least once. She told me she was uni."
by Alexa December 9, 2004
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(adj) having eyes that bulge and squirm about at random
by Alexa December 27, 2003
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slang for no or not, also known as ninskis
Hey Harold, you got any money?...Ninskis...im all out til' next paycheck...nin to the dough, thats pretty rough.
by Alexa March 26, 2005
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