175 definitions by Alex Quantashassle

The Aussie ghetto's supermarket. You can find all kind of dodgy goods, from spam to canned toiletpaper.
"Ay, mate. You goin' to farmland?"
"Yeaaah, mate. Gonna get some spaaam and caaanned toiletpaper."
by Alex Quantashassle May 30, 2005
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Noun. 20. Cockney rhyming slang on 'score'. 1950s
"The fifty-niners are 25 against. So what's the apple core on the fourth, aye?"
by Alex Quantashassle April 11, 2005
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When you have an icecube in your mouth it is very hard to talk properly. For example, when you've just put it in, it is virtually impossible to pronounce any consonants, making you vocally inept. However, as it melts in your mouth you slowly regain your power of voice. This is all known as icecube english. It continues for a short while after its fully melted as well.
"I drank a pint of coke in a glass full of ice, then ate the ice afterwards. I had a bad case of icecube english for at least two hours."
by Alex Quantashassle June 20, 2005
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A plateau of towns whose main industries are all prostitutions.
"There's a small boobieau in the small we me and the gang are gonna head down to, wanna come?"
"I will soon!"
by Alex Quantashassle April 10, 2005
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An adjective to describe something alien to you and your current state of mind.
"Happy birthday mum! Here's a fax machine!"
"Oh dear... it must be northern."
by Alex Quantashassle June 9, 2005
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"Oh, aye! Ain't we in a shite state."
"Indeed. Us Irish hombres are all ballsed-up."
by Alex Quantashassle May 30, 2005
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Noun. In large quantities, a lot of, a great amount. British.
"She's given me arse loads of paperwork to complete before lunch."
by Alex Quantashassle April 11, 2005
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