6 definitions by Aftonator

The lengthy Soviet with an obsession with breeding and air soft guns
That guy is such a Mason Marcoux
by Aftonator March 6, 2022
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An being of absolute perfection who is known to bring blessings upon others. He has been seen in many forms but his most powerful one is a ginger man of about 5,10 in height. This form brings about prosperity to his generation.
Our lord and saviour Connor Holmes has arrived!
by Aftonator March 6, 2022
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The inverted redhead Jesus with three different hair colours
If Jesus was a redhead he’d be a Connor Smyth
by Aftonator March 6, 2022
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The act of simultaneously pooping on the lap and in between the legs of another person pooping
Just shot a three pointer in the bathroom with Gavin
by Aftonator January 1, 2023
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