6 definitions by Admiral Snackbar

A well-endowed Vulcan's penis. The term "kosher" can be correctly used as the Vulcans follow a vegetarian diet that conforms to kosher law.
Kirk was pleased to see that beneath his uniform, Spock had quite the jumbo kosher dill.
by Admiral Snackbar July 5, 2004
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A derogatory word for a person from England or someone affecting a British manner.
"Those darn sconeheads won't shut up about Manchester U, and what's with all this tea they keep drinking?"
by Admiral Snackbar July 5, 2004
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This is a word for a hypocrite who uses a religion that she does not actually follow in order to bully and insult others. She is quite misogynistic and homophobic.
A Dr. Laura will often claim to be acting in the best welfare of the children, regardless of what the best decision for the child would be - she just wants to sound heroic.
by Admiral Snackbar July 5, 2004
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The name of a gir who ends up being very slutty due to the power of irony and the general fucked-upness of parents who'd name their daughter Chastity.
Chastity Bono - well known for her lesbian porn films, all the porn stars named Chastity
by Admiral Snackbar July 5, 2004
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Two children who are born during the same year yet are not twins. Sometimes they are also known as Irish Twins.
Mr. and Mrs. X had two children in less than twelve months, making those children Polish Twins.
by Admiral Snackbar August 9, 2004
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It's a fresher and folksier way of saying, "yada, yada, yada."
"So Lincoln's all, oh, I gotta get this country back together, and whup some Rebel ass, and do some emancipating, fishcakes, but damn I am tired."
by Admiral Snackbar July 5, 2004
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