76 definitions by ASH

my other nickname my dad calls me
hey purd!
by ASH July 10, 2003
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1. Attractive woman men want to fuck
2. describing something good
1. "she's a byoor"/ "he's out fuckin' da byoors!
2. "that song is byoor!"
by ASH February 16, 2005
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one of the most amazing metal bands ever, started in the early 80's, and one of the only one's that have stayed true to metal, each one of their albums have its own distinct sound that still manages to be diverse

the original lineup had joey belladonna as the lead singer but in the early 90's belladonna was replaced with john bush, producing some of the best anthrax albums to date, namely We've Come For You All which had Dimebag playing lead on two of the songs, one of the best and most underrated albums to come out in the past five years

john bush was recently replaced for joey belladonna as the lead singer and anthrax is doing a "reunion" tour although i hope that john bush soon rejoins the band again as the music produced during the john bush era was superior to and more mature than earlier anthrax albums
I hope Anthrax comes to their senses soon and gets rid of Belladonna for Bush.
by ASH January 8, 2006
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Ray came over last nite and we had sex. We started @1:45 but he was finished by 1:47; he is such a skeetfast!
by ASH March 20, 2005
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ASCII version of the symbol for Neo-Gothic band Razed in Black; generally used for shorthand in typing to improve speed. www.razedinblack.net
Dude, have you heard the single "Blush" by <in>
by ASH October 11, 2004
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A safe haven for like-minded rationalists to enjoy thoughtful discourse as well as emotional support; an escape from the judgemental eyes of the shiny-happy world.
Tired of everyone's bullshit attempts to try to save you? Come to the bus stop and hang out with some real people, bid farewell to others catching a bus, and maybe even schedule a bus ride for yourself.
by ASH September 21, 2004
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