10 definitions by ARANAR


one po' nigga actin rich
MC Hammer's a motha f*ckin konyo biotch!
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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wasting on some booze all day and all night long
Lez chill at a 24-hour booze bar so we can laklak.
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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one fine bottle of Pepsi

refers to one hotass chick
Ma nizzle! Yo sista's one fine bottle of Pepsi motha f*cka.
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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those tryin to be gangsta but they ain't
You say you live in the ghettos, I don't believe you flop-a-do!
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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Look at those fine ass hos at the striphole.
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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lil' spice

a nigga who acts like a homophobe
yo! Why you be wearin those pink shoes you lil'spice?
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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#1:Yo mama's workin at the striphole.
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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