39 definitions by ANCIENT_WOLFY

Definition of Ojibwa in English:
Ojibwa , Ojibwas , Ojibways , Ojibway (ōˈjibˌwā/oʊˈɪbwɑ )

NOUN plural noun Ojibwa, plural noun Ojibwas, plural noun Ojibways

(also Ojibway)
1A member of a North American people of the region around Lake Superior.
Also called Chippewa

2 The Algonquian language of the Ojibwa.


(also Ojibway)
Relating to the Ojibwa or their language.

From Ojibwa ojibwe, said to mean ‘puckered’, with reference to their moccasins.

/ōˈjibˌwā/ /-wə/ /oʊˈɪbwɑ /
‘The two Ojibwas affectionately nicknamed him ‘Baptiste’ or ‘Bateese’ for reasons never clear to him.’
‘But long, long before the Voyageurs came the forests were home to the Sioux and the Ojibwa.’
‘The Agawa rock paintings are among the best preserved of about 400 groups of pictographs on the Canadian Shield and are attributed to Algonquins such as the Ojibwa.’
‘Such an equivocating philosophy might not pass muster with the Ojibwa.’
‘It was characteristic of Bill to remember my key point in a paper I gave there on my fieldwork among the Ojibwa.’
‘The French generally enjoyed good relations with nations such as the Ojibwa and the Potawatomi so long as trade goods were readily available and reasonably priced.’
‘These traits relate them to the southern Ojibwa or Chippewa.’
‘Among the Ojibwa, however, there is some evidence that children sometimes modeled animals in clay.’
‘The children also study the lives of the Ojibwa, the native people who not only thrived in this difficult land but preserved it for future generations.’
‘We found haplogroup X when we were studying the Ojibwa of the Great Lakes.’

Ojibwa , Ojibwas , Ojibways , Ojibway (ōˈjibˌwā/oʊˈɪbwɑ )
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Meaning of radioimmunoelectrophoresis in English:



Medicine Biology

Immunoelectrophoresis carried out using radiolabelled antigen or antibody, typically followed by autoradiography.

1960s. From radio- + immunoelectrophoresis.
How to use Radioimmunoelectrophoresis (ˌreɪdɪəʊˌɪmjʊnəʊɪˌlɛktrə(ʊ)fəˈri sɪs) in a sentence is still unknown.

Radioimmunoelectrophoresis (ˌreɪdɪəʊˌɪmjʊnəʊɪˌlɛktrə(ʊ)fəˈri sɪs)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Meaning of psychotomimetic in English:



Relating to or denoting drugs which are capable of producing an effect on the mind similar to a psychotic state.


A psychotomimetic drug.

Pronunciation /sʌɪˌkɒtə(ʊ)mɪˈmɛtɪk/
‘In animal models 5 - HT2 antagonists (ketanserin and spiperone) were shown to block the psychotomimetic effects of both LSD and DOM.’
‘LSD was a synthetic drug, based on a naturally produced substance, which is called psychotomimetic drugs, made out of this rust.’
‘There is no clinically tested antidote available to antagonize the psychotomimetic symptomatology induced by PCP.’
‘Therefore, individuals displaying dramatic psychotomimetic effects resulting from phencyclidine ingestion should be treated as a psychiatric emergency.’

‘High potency as an antagonist of 5-HT in isolated smooth muscle preparations was not correlated with high potency as a psychotomimetic.’
‘The hypothesis that psychotomimetics induce a rapid dopamine receptor regulation that could participate in the expression of the brain dopaminergic overactivation and in the early signs of psychotic-like behaviour, was checked by radioligand binding on rat brain cryosections.’

Psychotomimetic (sʌɪˌkɒtə(ʊ)mɪˈmɛtɪk)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Definition of namaste in English:



A respectful greeting said when giving a namaskar.


another term for namaskar

Via Hindi from Sanskrit namas ‘bowing’ + te ‘to you’.

/ˈnäməˌstā/ /ˈnɑməˌsteɪ/
‘The standard greeting in Fiji Hindi is ‘namaste’.’
‘The customary greeting is to press one's palms together in front of the chest and say ‘namaste’.’
‘The waiter gives the usual response, ‘Namaste, namaste,’ his hands joined in silent prayer, his head bowed in traditional deference.’
‘He stands listening quietly to another music of his own world, shyly doing a namaste or shaking hands and looking embarrassed if called upon to respond.’
‘In India or Thailand, the preferred greeting is not the handshake, but the namaste - hands with palms together under chin area (as if in prayer) with a slight bow of the head.’
‘Her hands still folded in a namaste, Lakshmi, whose husband has been out of a job for the last five years, keeps gazing down the road even after Sonia's convoy is out of sight.’
‘Or the leader you have been watching all the while on the idiot box, with his trademark election smile and hands joined in a namaste.’
‘The old stationmaster greeted her with a namaste and offered her a cup of tea.’

Namaste (ˈnɑməˌsteɪ/ˈnäməˌstā)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Definition of katzenjammer in English:


1US informal, dated Confusion; uproar.
1.1A hangover; a severe headache resulting from a hangover.

Mid 19th century from German Katzen (combining form of Katze ‘cat’) + Jammer ‘distress’; popularized by the cartoon Katzenjammer Kids, drawn by Rudolf Dirks in 1897 for the New York Journal, featuring two incorrigible children.

/ˈkatsənˌjamər/ /ˈkætsənˌdʒæmər/
All of this criminal katzenjammer - and much, much more - was authorized at the highest levels, as top procurement brass and Pentagon officials confirmed.’
‘And yet, in 1979, the man who loaned his prestigious name to this enormous katzenjammer denounced the parapsychologists for being weird.’
‘The war and the next war have nothing to do with liberation or terrorism or any of that katzenjammer.’‘By now, my katzenjammer had eased to the point where my head only throbbed if I made sudden movements.’

Katzenjammer (ˈkætsənˌdʒæmər)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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used for saying that someone has to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation even if they do not want to
You can either suck it up and be a man, or every time you get an ache and pain you can go out of the game.
'Suck it up dude be a man and win the game'

Suck-It-Up (Sʌk-ɪt-ʌp)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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This is an adjective and has 15 LETTERS!
There aren't many words that have 15 Letters.

Meaning :
Uncopyrightable is something that you cannot able to copyright ok? you cannot copyright this thing. copyright means when you go to a legal or a legal person or a lawyer and you try to write down something that says "no body else can copy my work". That's copyright but this is something that cannot be copyrighted. So it's Uncopyrightable.
Person 1 : Bro! my work is Uncopyrightable (ʌnˈkɒpiraɪtəbl)
Person 2 : Good for you Bro.
Person 1 : Thanks Bro!
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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