22 definitions by A Friend

What America says when they have a problem they can't solve.
Guy 1: Hey, some school got shot up\!
Guy 2: I blame the commies!
by A Friend April 17, 2004
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scared, a loner, wanting something, but pushing it away when you get it
The man was getting older...and he was alone...and he didn't want to be anymore. So, he finally did something about it. And when he got it...he thomased.
by A Friend May 26, 2003
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one who recieves no wops under any cicumstances for the reason that they are a) ugly b) nasty or c) all of the above. no matter how hard they might try, just no one wants to suck that nasty hairy D
sam schwartz will forever be wop-less
by A Friend January 19, 2005
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A combination of the words "fugly" and "sexy". Used to discribe a person who is so fugly that they're sexy!
Steven Tyler is fuglexy!
by A Friend February 27, 2005
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A group of incredibly intelligent and brave men who do everything in their power to protect our country! They diserve great respect and admoration!
by A Friend February 27, 2005
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Your Friend to help cheer you up when you are down your best friend when you want to get high. All other drugs will ruin your life.
Your friend is the guy smokin your weed. Your best friend is the guy lending u his pipe and giving you free weed.
-Never smoke weed kids..., unless you are with a trained professional.
by A Friend September 14, 2004
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