22 definitions by A Friend


scared, a loner, wanting something, but pushing it away when you get it
The man was getting older...and he was alone...and he didn't want to be anymore. So, he finally did something about it. And when he got it...he thomased.
by A Friend May 26, 2003
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blame the commies

What America says when they have a problem they can't solve.
Guy 1: Hey, some school got shot up\!
Guy 2: I blame the commies!
by A Friend April 17, 2004
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'Look at that reesty flea-ridden hoor!!'
by A Friend June 6, 2003
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A person who sucks dick, gets cummed in his/her mouth. Then makes out with the person who cummed in their mouth while still having cum in their mouth.
by A Friend August 15, 2003
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Non-educated delinquent.

Spot a need by their fake brand or stolen tracksuit, white cap, white trainers, cheap booze (often buckfast), lack of self-hygene and distain for anyone with half a brain cell.

Also see townies, chavs, scallys
"pht ye lookin' et?"
by A Friend December 9, 2004
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to a male a tip drill is a girl who has a nice ass but a fucked up face and a freak who u can hit

to a female a tipdrill is a man who has a fucked face but has a lot of money and who is willin to buy anything 4 u
It must be yo ass cuzz it aint yo face you a tipdrill

I got u payin my billz and buyin automobiles, you a tipdrill
by A Friend February 20, 2005
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1. The hair grown above the nuts after a ritualistic shaving.
2. The derogatory term for one who landscapes his crotch hair.
3. The hair grown by a northwoods lumberjack.
1. Brian Ohme has a fantanstic nutstache.
2. Brian Ohme is a fucking nutstache
3. Brian "He's a Lumberjack and he's OK" Ohme is a fucking nutstache
by A Friend September 3, 2003
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