39 definitions by 5'1"Racer


a unit used to measure angles. 1 radian is the angle in a unit circle where the radius is equal to the arc. since pi radians=180 degrees, radians are usually expressed in terms of pi.
This angle measures pi/2 radians(90 degrees).
by 5'1"Racer June 5, 2005
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leader shell

In the mario kart games, the blue spiny shell that always hits the leader of the race.
I'm in the lead. Oh crap, here comes a leader shell.
by 5'1"Racer July 19, 2005
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the legend of max

A very difficult DDR song, running at 333 bpm for most of the song. A
level 10 on heavy.
I lose about 10 seconds into the legend of max
by 5'1"Racer February 12, 2005
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1. to shut down. cease to work, applied to a computer or program.
2. To hit something in a car or other vehicle
My computer crashed.
My car crahed into a brick wall
by 5'1"Racer March 15, 2004
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A level 13 Expert song in the video game in the groove. Has long 8th step runs with lots of jumps. Almost impossible to pass.
I just failed pandemonium expert again.
by 5'1"Racer June 23, 2005
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A song in the game in the groove. It is by machinae supremacy and it's a level 10 on expert full of crossovers and jumps.
by 5'1"Racer July 19, 2005
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exercises such as pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups.
I hate doing ups in gym class.
by 5'1"Racer December 9, 2005
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