39 definitions by 5'1"Racer
a unit used to measure angles. 1 radian is the angle in a unit circle where the radius is equal to the arc. since pi radians=180 degrees, radians are usually expressed in terms of pi.
by 5'1"Racer June 5, 2005
by 5'1"Racer July 19, 2005
I lose about 10 seconds into the legend of max
by 5'1"Racer February 12, 2005
1. to shut down. cease to work, applied to a computer or program.
2. To hit something in a car or other vehicle
2. To hit something in a car or other vehicle
by 5'1"Racer March 15, 2004
A level 13 Expert song in the video game in the groove. Has long 8th step runs with lots of jumps. Almost impossible to pass.
by 5'1"Racer June 23, 2005
A song in the game in the groove. It is by machinae supremacy and it's a level 10 on expert full of crossovers and jumps.
by 5'1"Racer July 19, 2005