22 definitions by 3Dradio

An expression of exasperation when someone should have heard of something already based on its wild popularity. Having this phrase used on you implies that you should use an internet search engine to look it up to save yourself from further embarrassment.
I have a question. - person 1


What? No, why would I want a cheeseburger, that makes no sense? - person 1

Omgoogle... - person 2

Oh...guess I should google it. - person 2
by 3Dradio October 30, 2010
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The advice of someone with a high level of technical knowledge, or Technical Expertise. See Also: techspert
Thanks for your techspertise. I didn't know building your own computer could be so easy.
by 3Dradio February 7, 2009
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1.) When something is of or has the characteristics of a situation wherein a person might be caused to use the word "damn".

2.) Exactly like 'damn' and can be used accordingly.
darB: I was double-charged for a tank of gas, and my bank denied my dispute.

derF: Damnage. I'd be pissed.

darB: Apparently the email I wrote when I got the letter was pretty good, though. I ended up getting a phone call from someone in executive escalations. They fixed it, but I'm still changing banks. You don't mess with my money.
by 3Dradio October 20, 2007
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Any supplements or medications usually in pill form which give a boost of energy to the user. Not to be confused with illegal stimulant drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamines, these substances are usually made up in whole or part of caffeine and other stimulants. Often may be herbal in nature.
"Hey, I'm dragging ass today. Do you have any twackies?"
by 3Dradio September 8, 2014
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Getting off on or aroused by audio equipment.
I saw that massive stack and had an audiorgy.
by 3Dradio May 30, 2009
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A person who is exceptionally well versed in the art of the verbal bitchslap or verbal smackdown. This person may or may not have been burned on occasion, but is very quick witted, and is most often found doing the verbal smackdown.
Dude: Man, you're such a douche.
Verbal Jedi: At least I get more pussy than you. The last time you had pussy was when pussy had you.
Dude: ...uh...yo' mama...
by 3Dradio May 17, 2006
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Code for "that's what she said" when you're in mixed or polite company.
Girl: I don't get this at all...it's so HARD!
Guy: Periwinkle.
by 3Dradio March 10, 2011
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