16 definitions by 10,11 Buff Cat Dilf

Something I put in your mom last night ;)
YOUR mom : Whatcha got under those pants of yours ;)
Me(your new step dad that still don't love you) : the cause of your STDs ;)
*proceeds to play sword fighting with YOUR mom after we both take out our giant PENISES and starts dancing.
You(my step son that I DON'T love) : HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO MY MOM
Me(10,11 buff cat with whiskers made from your mom's special nose hair) : Hey my step son that I DON'T love, I just gave YOUR mom what she wants ;)
You(my step son that I DON'T love) : How could you guys do it without me?!!
*Everyone proceeds to unscrew their penises and throw them into the trash.
YOUR mom : Y'know what, we shouldn't let this penis break our family apart.
*She says as she throws her penis into the air and it explodes.
*Then we lived happily ever after with YOUR mom and my step son that I DON'T love.
by 10,11 Buff Cat Dilf June 19, 2022
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Person A : I'm Bisexual!! I like girls...
Crowd : *Gasp
Person B : and boys
by 10,11 Buff Cat Dilf August 3, 2022
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Dumb website horny kids go on to watch horny people do horny things.
Very overrated
Person A : Are you watching pornhub?
Person B : I- No-
Person A : Without me?
Me : Get tf out of my room before I rip your dick off and stuff your balls inside your assholes.
by 10,11 Buff Cat Dilf June 19, 2022
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A noun is a noun
Your mom is a noun, Why?
Because she's an object, subject and an idea ;)
by 10,11 Buff Cat Dilf June 19, 2022
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