45 definitions by Person

one of the best nba games. u can do impossible tricks in the game. in the gamecube version you can control mario, luigi, and peach. the ps2 version doesn't have the three but you can play online. the beasty boys are also in there too.
mario's team beat the nuggets!
by Person March 2, 2005
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A crazy movie which trys to show you what addictions can do to you. Kind of brutal. Uses alot of fancy editing.
When the movie ended, Mike sat there for a few moments and then thought to himself " What the fuck just happened?" Time to cut out the heroin
by Person December 2, 2003
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A person. A mexican person. Weird, mexican girl who is HOMICIDAL and... rather fun-kay. Gets sick alot, and likes to make fun of Dao's hairdo.
"Daois yawns."

by Person November 9, 2004
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Comment to the above user:

A. The internet is a anonymous.

B. Nobody claimed that the Patriot Act allows the arrest of critics.
Get out of your mother's basement and learn to read, loser.
by Person February 7, 2005
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a term for an easy girl who sleeps around. called a door knob because everyone gets a turn
yo that chick is a door knob dont wife that
by Person December 10, 2003
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