91 definitions by Mo

Meaty Progressive Rock, spiced with a little New Age salt and Country pepper.
I love Thanatoid Jones.
by Mo December 4, 2004
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A no-anime cartoon that takes place in Japan,when a boy named Jack,and his hometown is destroyed,he grows up,and get a magic sword which can be used to defeat Aku(means evil or demon in Japanese),he must defeat Aku to go back into the past and undo the future as Aku
Samurai Jack is an awesome cartoon
by Mo October 17, 2004
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Shortened form of "whatever," normally meant in a playful manner.
"You suck"
"No, YOU suck."
by Mo April 23, 2005
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Sun Ce was the oldest son of Sun Jian,the founder of Wu,after his father was killed in an ambush,he ruled the Wu kingdom,but he died at the age of 25 in the year 200 A.D.His brother Sun Quan suceeded him
Sun Ce lived from 175 A.D.-200 A.D.
by Mo June 6, 2004
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(see also Gimme Gimmes)

A band filled with immense ass-kickitude, containing any combination of the following:

Fat Mike - Bass
Spike Slawson - Vocals
Joey Cape - Guitar, Vocals
Chris Shiflett - Guitar
Dave Raun - Drums
"Gee golly, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes sure are the best band ever!"
by Mo August 1, 2004
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A loud sound made sporatically to break silence or piss one off.
Sittin in the middle of class during a dumb ass test... "BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK"
by Mo October 16, 2003
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