91 definitions by Mo

head; felletio
"I need some blossom"
by Mo April 8, 2004
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An old singer dude who has cool songs but sucks at singing them (thats why they are often remade into something better). Sometimes compared to David Bowie, which is dumb because Bowie is obviously a WAY better artist.
by Mo April 25, 2004
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The act of voluntarily exchanging spit with another person of the same or opposite sex for an extended time period.
Hey teacher look! Chris and Leah are making out and leah cant breath!!!
by Mo February 26, 2004
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to get comfortable with ones partner, to throw each other about the bed, couch, or other surface, to cuddle in a sexually suggestive manner, to use your partner as a pillow
by Mo August 10, 2003
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1. We don't know what it means. It can be an undefined adjective.

2. Sketchy, unknown

3. Any adjective that existed, ever.
"He looked really shoppy over in the corner".

"That test last perios was SO shoppy".

"Don't be so shoppy to me!"
by Mo May 2, 2005
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