6 definitions by ᴛʜᴀɴᴏs ᴄᴀʀϟ

Hell. Complete and utter hell. You’re forced to listen to a bunch of satans that people call teachers droning on and on, you eat shit food that gives you poisoning, it resembles, seems like, and therefore is a prison. You spend all day sitting in a chair learning shit you’ll never use, you are often sent slavework which people fucking call homework. You wake up at 6 every morning to report there. And in the end it’s a ton of bullshit.
Karen: woah! What’s that giant prison over there?
Molly: oh, that’s school.
Karen: fuck I’m lucky I don’t go there.
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a place that has nothing, no one, and no way out. you feel dead inside, and you just keep smiling and smiling and laughing when you feel like crying and dying. you are empty, and the simple task of going to school is a chore, all you do is cry and cry and die inside. you say im fine but you’re not. everyone thinks depression is wanting to die, but the thing is that you’re already dead.
Amy: OH MY GOD! My favorite show was cancelled! I’m so depressed, I wanna kill myself!

Sharon: Poor you! That’s so sad! Depression is terrible!


Emily: How are you?

Me: imlaughingimlyingitfeelslikeimdyingpleaseineedyoumorethanyoulleverknowimdrowningimdepressed-

Me: I’m fine.
by ᴛʜᴀɴᴏs ᴄᴀʀϟ September 11, 2019
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A word often screeched while violently flinging an object at an alarming height.
“YEET!” Emma screamed as she threw a water balloon with the fervor of a marvelous chupacabra
by ᴛʜᴀɴᴏs ᴄᴀʀϟ April 28, 2019
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The way to describe thanos: just the right amount of booty and a good amount of cutie.
Guy 1: DAMN! I screwed a thicc girl last night, her ass was grass!
Guy 2: What was her name? Lemme hit her up ;)
Guy 1: Uh oh! I think thicc thanos likes you!
by ᴛʜᴀɴᴏs ᴄᴀʀϟ April 28, 2019
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A giant purple grape who will not give up his rather impressive rock collection at the pawn shop.
Thanos: fifty’s my best offer, sorry, that’s all I can do.
by ᴛʜᴀɴᴏs ᴄᴀʀϟ April 28, 2019
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