16 definitions by §

Short for Luxemberg.
A European tri to the big Lux.
by § July 18, 2004
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A form of speech which makes no sense.
I could not understand that jibber-jabber.
by § July 19, 2004
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Having no tolerance towards anyone or thing.
Pricipal jarvis has zero tolerance for Mr. Bonkers.
by § July 18, 2004
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A large SUV made that has a lot of horsepower.
by § July 18, 2004
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A place in which there are no problems. Everything is perfect.
This world in not Utopia.
by § July 18, 2004
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One who protests war and who also hates George W. Bush with a passion.
I protest the war, but not in public.
by § July 19, 2004
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A level 4 pathogen, the Ebola virus is pound for pound the deadliest disease known to man. Ebola has a mortality rate of over 80%. There have been 4 outbreaks of Ebola and all of them have occured in Africa.
The ebola virus ate away all of his organs and caused internal and external bleeding.
by § July 19, 2004
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