17 definitions by :O

Someone who is quick to call another, slut, or stupid, but in return are all of the above, love to screw underagers.
"I'm teh_man i fucked 6 15 year olds ^5!"
by :O March 21, 2003
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a bunch of homosexuals that live in texas :o
"TAU Haxzor!"
"TAU Go Suck A Cock"
"Wow What A Bunch Of TAU's"
by :O May 7, 2003
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A red furry hedgehog with the powers of fire and heat.
Solar ish a 1337 haxor
by :O July 3, 2003
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gay, crap, and is pointless.
bullit your a n00b
by :O August 24, 2003
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