19 definitions by $ally

vintage life-stylists who like early 60s clothing, music, and goofy motorbikes of the mod rock era
I saw some re-mod rockers ride past here
by $ally August 2, 2007
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American vintage, Golden Era, overstuffed, velvet upholstered furniture
Her house is all plush in every room
by $ally August 2, 2007
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Replacement for the profanity, used by vintage lifestylists to make fun of the old censorship laws. Also used: gee, golly, gosh, etc.
Good Gravy! Did you see that? Is that even legal in this state?
by $ally August 4, 2007
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Vintage life-stylists who perform old style burlesque strip tease. Most try to adhere to an authetic show with period correct costume, music, and seductive moves of bump & grind, peel & reveal. More tease than strip. Deragatory term
Those tacky Burly Qs are just glorified pole dancers
by $ally August 2, 2007
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Model who places or wins a vintage style (1920-50) cheesecake photography contest.
She is a cheesecake queen who placed third in one contest and first in two others just this year.
by $ally August 2, 2007
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Complimentary term used to describe vintage life-stylist girls who look as gorgeous as the bombshell paintings used on WWII fighter jets
What bombshell beauties, I'd date any of those gals
by $ally August 2, 2007
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