When out of habit you reply to a comment with "You too". This happens to the best of us.
Two common situations of the Involuntary "You Too"

Girl: Well happy birthday man. Have fun at Sea World tomorrow.
Guy: Thanks, you too.
**uncomfortable silence**

Parent: Drive safe and have fun.
Son: Ok you too.
**uncomfortable silence**
by Jace555 May 8, 2009
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Expendable characters. Usually say one line or less before being killed in a plot-convenient manner.
Most often seen in classic 60's Trek.
"Oh no, that Redshirt just fell down the bottomless pit."
"Damn, find me another one."
by Heywood June 16, 2003
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What Would James Kirk Do? When stuck in a life-threatening, impossible situation with no realistic plausible means of escape, only a plan thought up by James "Jim" Kirk would work.
Person 1: OK, were stuck in an underground cavern on a distant planet with no access to the surface.

Person 2: We need a plan. WWJKD?
by jerseytom July 14, 2008
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The show that you watch while your main show is at a commercial. It is usually not as good as your main show.
Dude I was watching Family Guy last night and there was a 12 minute commercial. Good thing I had Spongebob as my Fall Back Program
by The Tree7635 May 6, 2009
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The time spent not at school or work due to the closures caused by the Swine Flu scare.

Can be used with any virus, e.g., Bird flucation, regular Flucation, etc.
We have nothing planned for the kids during their Swine Flucation, since the schools closed.
by matadorcab May 1, 2009
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A buffer guest is a close friend that you invite to a party ten or 15 minutes before the rest of the guests are scheduled to arrive. This guest or group of guests is meant to 1) make it seem like the party has already begun and good times are to be had and 2) make it less awkward in case someone you don't know particularly well arrives before everyone else.
I invited Jona over as a buffer guest in case Tim or Josh came over early, because I don't really have a lot in common with them
by violentfemme May 3, 2009
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Not Gonna Lie

Used to indicate that you are not deviating from the truth.
by sodlol July 31, 2007
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