When the temperature in a conference or meeting room is turned way down to ensure that no one will be able to nod off during a meeting.
Man, is the temperature in that room hosed again? My fingers were numb by the end of that staff meeting!

Nah, I saw them jack the temperature down about 20 degrees right before the meeting started. Bob will lull everyone to sleep unless they make it a polarpoint presentation.
by jigsawz67 March 4, 2011
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The act of using a password or other safety feature to prevent your friends, parents, girlfriends, etc from discovering your assortment of hot or racy pictures on your cell, computer, email or other encrypt-able devices.
Girl : I dunno, should I send john this pic?

Girl two : It's fine, John practices Safe Sexting!

Girl : That's good, no way that this pic will get into the wrong hands if he is Safe Sexting.
by Hyperman036 March 4, 2011
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That feeling that college students experience where they feel so exhausted that the idea of their face hitting their pillow sounds so utterly fantastic, it's almost sexual.
Oh dude, it's been such a long week. I've got pillow lust, and I've got it bad.
by Rossatron6000 March 4, 2011
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The feeling of grogginess and/or deafness after attending a loud concert.
"Wow, I had a lot of fun at that Boys Like Girls concert last night."
"Me too, but now I have a terrible concert hangover."
by Sleeping in Armor October 23, 2007
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In my travels I am constantly on the lookout for strange new beardos.

I can only hope that someday I will attain beardo status.
by el kevo May 14, 2005
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Children, born in succession within one year
They were like rabbits. Now their Irish twins are six and seven.
by cornholio October 16, 2003
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The day you finally realize you are in desperate need of a haircut
Damn, sug! you need a trim!

Bitch please...Froday was last week but I've been too damn busy!
by wufboy January 24, 2011
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