A verbal stoush between two or more parties that is so petty, pointless, misinformed or ill-conceived that it makes witnesses wince with embarrassment, or so uncomfortable that they don't know where to look.
Did you hear those two going off at each other across the table? I just don't want to get involved in these squirmishes.
by KeithMyArthe September 26, 2009
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Something that strikes a chord in someone's thinking, creating a spur of "enlightenment" and stimulation in knowledge, especially in subjects like philosophy & logic.
John: Hey, have you seen that recent philosophical discussion between XXX and YYY on YouTube?

Peter: Yeah, it was so good it gave me a brain boner.
by nullswitch February 20, 2011
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A small nod of the head, done repetitively in synchronization with music. Denotes approval of music by the listener. Performed at concerts by concert-goers, or while listening to music by the listener.

Substituted for dancing by hipsters, who are too cool to dance.
Andy: Dude, how was the DFA1979 show?
Brad: Great, except for all the douches doing the hipster head bob. I just wanted to get down!
by jakeishere March 8, 2011
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Strategically consuming food for the sole purpose of preventing others from getting it.
Matt’s mother-in-law unexpectedly arrived with a delicious dinner immediately after Matt finished a 12-inch sub. In order to prevent his wife from getting the surprise meal, he used defensive eating to consume the additional food.
by CourtJ March 9, 2011
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Mentioning that you're wearing an expensive brand of clothing, using an expensive piece of technology, or bragging about other items that you own which are of high value. Brand Dropping is similar to name dropping, the main difference is mentioning merchandise in lieu of a person.
Jon: Dude! Watch it, if you spill that drink on my $ 350 Zegna shirt I'm gonna lose it.

Dave: Stop brand dropping Jon. No one cares what kind of shirt that is.
by baked_12 March 9, 2011
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A specific celebrity you and your significant other mutually agreed that it would be okay to have sex with should the two of you ever meet in public and have a one night stand.
My husband won't mind, Kiefer Sutherland is my celebrity lay.
by raindove March 9, 2011
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When you are looking forward to something constantly, to the point of obsession, causing the actual event to seem short and dull in comparison.
Oh, he's been counting down the days since July, and has came down with a bad case of Christmas Syndrome.
by AiRsTrIkE March 3, 2011
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