The combined effect of alcohol intoxication and the high from weed. If you are both high and drunk you are Zizzed.
by WriterH1 January 8, 2023
When you or your homie are in the gym and one of you has a juicy pump that is low key kinda homosexual. The one with the pump is said to be absolutely zizzed bro.
by tbtron June 1, 2021
by Swimmom February 19, 2017
Zizz Wheel refers to a woman's ablility to gyrate her pelvis rhythmically in perfect attunement to her lover's thrusts. Hip tilt and "swirl" are other prime examples of this rare and much-sought-after talent.
by RuggedZero May 27, 2008
The act of rubbing your freshly picked inside some along a silky material, catching it, causing all so much stimulation. It also costly describes the noise being made during this action.
by Fonzie31 March 15, 2023