three mysterious words that, when said in the Demented Cartoon Movie, causes a thingy on Mars to launch an H-Bomb at the person who said it.
Blah Swimmer Guy: I zee zee pufferfish. I zall zed zee light on it.
*sheds light on it*
*is a Zeeky Bomb*
Blah Swimmer Guy: What the...
Zeeky Bomb: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
Blah Swimmer Guy: Oh crap...
*sheds light on it*
*is a Zeeky Bomb*
Blah Swimmer Guy: What the...
Zeeky Bomb: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
Blah Swimmer Guy: Oh crap...
by Fire King November 22, 2003
The sound bob-ombs make in Mario 64 when mario talks to them. Also causes a cannon on mars to launch a h-bomb at anyone who says it in The Demented Cartoon Movie.
by pro April 28, 2003
by Bobalaskafluffy1 December 19, 2002
by Soiled Undergarment August 13, 2003
Get the zeeky boogy doog mug.
Stick 1:"Shhh...we hafta be quiet"
Stick 2:"Yah or we'll never find the Kamkaze watermelon"
Kamikaze Watermalon:"Wheee! *smash*"
*Zeeky bomb wakes up*
Stick 1:"Ohno!"
Zeeky bomb: "ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG!"
Stick 2:"Yah or we'll never find the Kamkaze watermelon"
Kamikaze Watermalon:"Wheee! *smash*"
*Zeeky bomb wakes up*
Stick 1:"Ohno!"
Zeeky bomb: "ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG!"
by Dirge February 1, 2005