your suck

Suck is short for "your dick sucker" meaning mouth.
Shut your suck is a derogatory way of telling someone to shut up. Used a lot in the military and law enforcement communities with people who are deemed lower in social ranking (such as lower enlisted military or perps for law enforcement).
" Shut your suck" short for shut your dick sucker when someone just won't shut up.
by Elle Blank June 29, 2008
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Run your Suck

To speak in a gossipy or clueless manner, usually to the distain of others. Quite common in Marine Corps recruits.
"You shitbags want to run your suck? Then you can eat some shit too!!!! MOUNTAIN CLIMB, YEW BITCHES!!!!!

by Stud Marine-Storm Gunner November 6, 2008
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Now your sucking diesel

An Irish saying meaning that everything is alrite now!
"Here big lad did ya get that car going?"

"Aye I did!"

"Now your sucking Diesel!!"
by Hen D August 16, 2006
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Your Grammar Sucks

A popular youtube series created by Jack Douglass (youtube name jacksfilms), in which Jack reads out badly spelled or written youtube comments, in a quest to "clean up youtube one comment at a time". Often abbreviated to YGS.
Guy reading comment: My God, wait till Jack sees this. If this doesn't get onto Your Grammar Sucks, I don't know what will.
by kingofthebiches January 28, 2012
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When you are giving someone a handy for no reason, and their balls are all the way down another persons throat.
Kam- Wow cam how are you so good at Fortnite. Kk- your sucking the meat off his penis.
by Dagger dic October 1, 2020
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