
Too oftenly mistaken for "your."

Meaning "you are." Used to describe something about someone, not something someone owns.
Correct example: "You're stupid."
Incorrect example: "Your stupid."
by Saphy August 14, 2006
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you're in there

You have a chance with that person, you're clearly attractive to them.
Did you see how she looked at you? You're in there, mate.
by LWJ July 25, 2006
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A contraction of "You are", such as "Don't", is a contraction of "Do not".

Correct usage: You're an idiot!

Incorrect usage: That's you're apple.
by Andrew .C February 25, 2009
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The subtle feeling of masculine victory when you hit the target your aiming for while urinating.
C'mon you dick... you can hit that shower drain... uh... yeah... You're-in!!!
by flockit February 20, 2015
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You're a

Can be used as a pay out or come back.
You are a....
PErson 1: Sing to the taxi man and he will give you a cheap fare.
Person 2: You're a cheap fare
by PNCC September 11, 2009
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A term used to shorten you are most People on the Internet get the wrong tense of it they use your
Incorrect: your making a mess
Correct: you're making a mess
by xmilisnotonfirex February 19, 2015
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A word that can turn anything anyone says to you into an insult or comeback. However, this is one of the lamest comeback techniques ever.
Normal person: That girl's hair is so ugly
Lame-ass: You're so ugly

Normal person: I love this song!
Lame-ass: You're a song

Normal person: What's the math homework?
Lame-ass: You're the math homework.

Normal person: His father is a bus driver
Lame-ass: You're a bus driver
by dtfchick77 September 28, 2010
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