
A word most internet users have yet to understand.
"your gay!!!!!!!"
by anonymous February 11, 2004
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A word illiterates like to use with an insult or otherwise wrong method.
<C>Your coming with me to the cinema tonight?

<XjayD> Do I own a "coming with me?" In fact, I do. That's my dog's name. Coming with me, to the cinema! On the double!
by gary August 4, 2004
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The word that people use to correct people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Sometimes when people have an argument on the internet, they correct people's grammar. So in desperate need to look smarter, some people try to correct the person they're arguing with by typing *you're, even though they used the correct "your". So they end up looking like an idiot. which they probably are.
John: Your stupid
Ben: *you're
John: *dies*

Bob: Your profile picture is anime
Jason: *you're
Bob: No, it's "your". Think about it, what does "You are profile picture is anime" mean?
Jason: *deletes account*
by loilnibba420 March 28, 2018
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the word "you're" is basically you are but combined as one word. commonly confused with the word your, which is used when addressing something to someone.
by sk_ype February 11, 2020
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The word that people use to correct people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Sometimes when people have an argument on the internet, they correct people's grammar. So in desperate need to look smarter, some people try to correct the person they're arguing with by typing *you're, even though they used the correct "your". So they end up looking like an idiot. which they probably are.
John: Your stupid
Ben: *you're
John: *dies*

Bob: Your profile picture is anime
Jason: *you're
Bob: No, it's "your". Think about it, what does "You are profile picture is anime" mean?
Jason: *deletes account*
by loilnibba420 March 28, 2018
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The word that people use to correct people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Sometimes when people have an argument on the internet, they correct people's grammar. So in desperate need to look smarter, some people try to correct the person they're arguing with by typing *you're, even though they used the correct "your". So they end up looking like an idiot. which they probably are.
John: Your stupid
Ben: *you're
John: *dies*

Bob: Your profile picture is anime
Jason: *you're
Bob: No, it's "your". Think about it, what does "You are profile picture is anime" mean?
Jason: *deletes account*
by loilnibba420 March 28, 2018
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Short for "you are". Many dumbfucks don't know the difference between "you're" and "your" and tend to interchange it. Pointing out this mistake is used as a pathetic comeback in an argument on the internet.
*An argument is going between two Redditards*
Redditard 1: Your so bad lololol
Redditard 2: *You're
*Redditard 2 gets instantly downvoted to oblivion*
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic February 2, 2021
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