you got served

Colloquial vernacular to express the status of one who is the recipient of a subpoena, which more commonly would be expressed as "You've been served" or "Consider yourself served."

(Standing next to car)

Are you Mrs. Brown?

(Approaching car with keys in hand)

Why, yes, I most certainly am Mrs. Brown. Who the fuck are you, mothafucka?

(Hands blue envelope to Mrs. Brown)

You got served.

(Walks away from car)
by Truth2Power August 1, 2004
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you got served

1. A slang expression that is usually used when someone proves that they are better than someone else.
2. Another way of saying "You just got owned" or "Pwned!"
1. "You just got served, muthafucka!"
2. "You can't understand the meaning of the Torah and why Moses was an amazing leader of the Jews. I'm sorry, Yaakov, but you just got served by Jewish heritage."
by Micah June 3, 2004
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you got served

A movie that has someone saying "You suckas got served." in it, but has no distribution of food or volleyball bumbs.
You know, that white guy in that movie said "You suckas got served.", but he is nowhere near a McDonalds.
by XFS February 9, 2004
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you got served

The most hysterically shite film ever. apparantly number 1 in america for a while.....HOW? please god how on earth!? films like "you got served" get top reviews and films like "donnie darko, the lost highway, true romance (quentin tarrentino) and blade runner are basically unheard of.
Incidently the funniest ever south park episode is the you got served episode. Seriously someone needed to utterly rip the piss out of that piece of shit film.
The film is a joke, when i first saw it i thought it really was a joke.
Oh and by the way i DONT hate blacks, plenty of incredible black actors out there, but hey not a bunch of second grade rapping fags who already make millions of mtv.
by Jazz_maverick June 20, 2006
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you got served

An insult similar to 'what now?' or 'snap'.
Oh, what now bitch?
Ha ha, oh, you got served!
by spike February 7, 2004
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you got served

you got skooled or beating very badly
Black guy- You got served!
White Guy- WTF?
by matt geerling June 6, 2004
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you got served

lmao the most retarded movie ever.

what u say when u go up to someone and start dancing and they dont dance back.

watch the south park episode its funny as hell
by deenie June 19, 2004
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