A phrase that signals that you are done talking.
Girl 1- I can’t believe you’ve done that.

Girl 2- Whatever. Shrug 🤷 ♀️ yo 🖐
by Stinkyolives June 5, 2020
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Meaning you got Played, no luck, or yo shit just out
Before Jerome could ask Peter for 5 dollars, Peter said “yo fire out
by IcyDaSlime February 15, 2021
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Wow. You just got cheated on. Congrats. Type “leproheck” for me beating her up
So he said Yo gf cheated on u. That’s bad
by GodDude March 4, 2022
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p1: "did you see that one tiktok by @daniellecohn?"
p2: "no, which one?"
p1: "the iconinc yo booty popping vid"
p2: "wow ok i'm gonna have to check that out"
by we__irritating November 5, 2019
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The most devastating of any yo or ur insults, possibly deadly
Tommy: hey Leo, Yo mum gay
Leo:Yo chromosomes got extra homes
Tommy:*ceases to exist*
by Leo bergrauten April 1, 2018
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Bad ass mother fuckers who ruled ancient Japan in clans!
To become shogun your Diam yo must first defeat the current shogunate.
by Patient0 April 14, 2015
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