Yo Dick My Dick

A game that can only be played by 2 or more kids with parental supervision, inside of a grocery store.

When the family goes down the produce aisle, and one of the kids grab 2 food items, turns to the other kid and yells, “YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dick...,” and whips out the small item, then yells “MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dick...,” and whips out the big item.

This continues until the parent is so embarrassed and angry, that the first kid to get grounded or beaten in the store wins.
“Hey Sterling! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dick...” (pulls out a grain of rice)

“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dick...” (pulls out an eggplant)

Mom: “Are you guys playing Yo Dick My Dick again?”
by Tretiak! December 1, 2019
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pop rock yo dick

The act of sucking a dick with pop rocks in your mouth. Extremely hot.
Man: Make me a sandwich!
Woman: Shut the fuck up before I POP ROCK YO DICK!

A song by Rachel Lewis, Melanie Willing, Sarah Unger and Ryann Riggs:
"So you sittin in the club and you see another guy
You know you have a boyfriend but you're feeling pretty high
You wanna do somethin new so you pull out your pop rocks
And then ya put it to use on that random guys cock

Pop rock yo dick
Pop rock yo dick
Put on the goo and ya make it so slick
Put on the pop rocks and pop it in yo mouth
An' ya suck it all night till ya wanna pass out

So now you're back home, ya man's sittin' on the couch
He asks you for head and ya just wanna slouch
Cuz ya sucked another dick and he said OUCH
Don't sweat it tho yo man will neva find out


So his guys come over they're playin' some games
Then rolls up that random man named James (Is that the man from da clubb?!?!)
They all wanna try out something new
So they pull out some pop rocks and experiment too


Oh shit that hurt, I'm feelin' pretty weak
But hell we should try it again next weekrachel r
by poprockyodick July 11, 2009
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Po yo dick out

A phrase used to describe to describe an event, usually partying of some sort, that is so crazy and awesome that you want to pull your dick out right then and there.
Present tense

You: KU just won the national championship, everybody po yo dick out!!

Past tense

Friend: So how was that party last night?
You: It was awesome, I poed my dick out all over town.

Future tense

Friend: What do you have going on tonight.
You: I am going out with the guys and it is going to be so crazy that everybody is going to be poing their dicks out.
by LizzardKing November 30, 2011
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Break Yo Dick Thick

When the ass is so big and you are afraid to get under it.

Can be abbreviated, “BYDT”
Person 1: “Dude check out that ass!”

Person 2: “Bruh that shit is Break Yo Dick Thick!”
by newtons_laws August 15, 2022
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when a crackhead is so horribly ruined, poor and hungry that they will suck a persons dick for a cheeseburger.
you walk out of mcdonalds and a crazy homeless man runs up to you ill suck yo dick for a cheeseburger!
by xray500 August 10, 2011
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I wanna eat yo dick

A famous lyric from cupcakKe's "Deepthroat".
"Lick lick lick lick lick (I lick) I wanna eat yo dick"

by TheRealUnkn0wn June 11, 2019
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bust a cap in yo dick

1. The act of shooting someone up there dick hole

2. beating someones dick until it turns purple then giving the dick a hand job
1. Damn fool, i goin' bust a cap in yo dick!

2. Holy shit that mother fucker busted a cap in my dick last night!
by Jake Jon April 2, 2007
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