let me smell yo dick

When your girlfriend believes you to be cheating so she asks to smell your dick to see if it's been undid another female
Boi you betts let me smell yo dick if you gon be sneakin in the house at 4 am sayin you went to tha store
by Ash.the.SAV December 16, 2015
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let me suck yo dick

To give a guy oral sex
To desire to give a guy oral sex

To place your mouth on a guy's genital area
Him: Wassup what you tryna do
Me: (texts) let me suck yo dick
by BestHeadGiver1 June 24, 2021
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eat a dick yo

a magical assembly of words which could imply multiple meanings: tell someone to "buzz off", affirmation of excitement, tell someone they are incorrect, an expression of excitement, ect.
Statement: Nick is going to absolutely crush you in the hot dog eating contest, you stand no chance.

Response: Eat a dick yo!
by Holmania July 16, 2008
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The wonderful day is October 19

Because Saturday are for the boys

If you need a favor done from bill drinking yo white claw have him suck yo dick on jah
ayo Kyle lemme suck yo dick

National suck yo homies dick day: saturday is for the boys
by Ppsucker69inbootyyumm October 14, 2019
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Kill 'yo dick

A term used by men where 2 men engage in rough oral sex.
"Hey man can I kill 'yo dick."
"No I'm not gay tf?"
by fortnite7777 March 30, 2021
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Chalk yo dick

To scrape someone's penis on concrete in broad daylight.
"You know what? I'm gonna Chalk yo dick bruh." "bro got chalk dick yo." "Bro got Chalk in his dick!"
by 444 Meatball Time April 2, 2024
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