a viral video of an egg headed man singing xue hua piao piao
"did you see the newest meme?"

"xue hua piao piao"
by violebel July 28, 2020
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The chorus lyric from Chinese hit song "Yi Jian Mei", which means "one plum blossom" published in 2010 by songwriter Fei Yu-ching. The song was used in a hit Tik Tok video with a chinese man who looks like the chinese bootleg version of Humpty Dumpty in Shrek

The song was originally part of the soundtrack for a 1940s chinese drama of the same name (shot in 1984). The drama was later remade twice first as Grief Over QingHe River (30 episodes-shot in 2000) and then New One Plum Blossom (40 episodes-shot in 2009)

The word use in a sentence is ambiguous and can mean anything
Niggas think i carry a mp5 to school but i'm just xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
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An epic asian egg man decided to sing an epic song.
Dad : Are you winning son? Son : Bitch, xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
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A Chinese song later turned into a TikTok meme.
Sarah: My boyfriend just broke up with me :(

John: Bish xue hua piao piao bie feng xiao xiao ;)
by no💖 June 25, 2020
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