Hi my name is Leeroy jenkins and i chopped off my penis due to lack of use.....what's your game?
Try World of Warcraft free at:

by fuck_ma_arse_ah April 26, 2009
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If I wanted to play a cartoon-like game full of fat 40-year-old cheeseburger dudes that make girl characters and try to flirt with the guys, I might as well just go play Runescape. HA!
Jim was an ordinary man with a good job, a girlfriend, and loads of cash he spent to do fun things with all his friends. One day, he bought World of Warcraft which he thought would be a fun new experience. Four months later he lost his job, his girlfriend, and all his friends but one which had the same fate as Jim. Jim now resorts in his mothers basement, talking to other poor, unfortunate men on Ventrilo.

This is a true story, my friends. Please consider your lives before playing this game.
by Hybrid Stigmata July 16, 2007
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1. The answer to guys who want their girlfriends to break up with them.(See How to Lose a Girl in 10 Days.) World of Warcraft is a game for losers who completely suck at life. Unconciously knowing how much they suck, they turn to WoW to begin a new life in a different world. In doing this, the bitch is now the bully, and can cast spells (See Lame-ASS bitch) or kill a mutated bumble bee with an oversized axe. Don't forget to rest and drink some water after that beating! Alliance, Horde, it doesn't matter which confederation, you're still a LOSER! 2. A complete life-sucker. It will replace your daily routine of going to work, working out, eating dinner, having sex, and going to bed, to calling in late to work, leaving early, and then gaming until 8am, when it is time to call in late again. Depending on which race you choose to be, the intensity of the "LOSER" sign flashing on your forehead can differ. 3. Shamans are pole-smokers. 4. If a girl plays World of Warcraft, she is most likely fat and ugly. Because she is fat and ugly, she is also probably easy. Such girls can be found on Friendster.
Mark and Joe are a couple of bitches who play World of Warcraft. Guess what two guys are getting dumped on Valentine's Day?!?!? shhhhhh... it's a surprise!
by Rosey February 9, 2005
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When someone divorces their wife and sells their children so they can grind World of Warcraft. We believe that a level 60 Troll Hunter is more important than real life responsibilities.
Friend: You wanna watch Netflix and chill?
by Shadowlands sucks dick March 10, 2022
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Descend into the hell of World of Warcraft and join thousands upon thousands of losers with no lives in an online world of lag, whining, and adventure quests that are comprised of mindlessly getting random items that amount to nothing whatsoever, and dealing with other tards who are doing the same. A dark world full of jagged low polygonal graphics, pixelate textures, crashing servers, lag up-the-ass, overall crappy gameplay, and a monthly fee bigger than your grandma's mortgage, and worse--makes you want to keep coming back in the end.
So what are you waiting for?
That's what it should say on the back of the World of Warcraft box. HAVE A NICE DAY.
by Blizzard's Dad July 21, 2005
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The best game ever invented for guys to constantly spam the Trade channel in search of a mate (via a female "WTF IS A FEMALE OMGCYBERMEYAY!) and get the occasional Night Elf girl (really a half-naked hairy 20-30 yr old dude) offering to cyber... This game is heaven!!!
Logged on to server. Joining World of Warcraft Chat channels...

/2 Trade Cybermeyay: LF Girl, PST, must really be a girl!
/2 Trade lolfuxed: Hey, wanna meet on myspace?
/2 Trade Cybermeyay: score! omgomggirlgirlkthx
/2 Trade lolfuxed: ... ? wanna' see my NE dance baby?

I've got a mage on Azgalor! Name's Gematria, omgpstme!
by Gematria August 28, 2008
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An electronic castrater; if played beyond the 9th grade testicles fall off and implode; warlocks and rogues run the world not only online but the host player; very much like a cancer of the testicles
World of Warcraft is an eater of souls...Dude why do you have a vagina, oh you play WOW. Why doesnt he get laid, oh he does but in iron forge.
by Nas Kas August 23, 2006
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