wool sock

A reusable condom made from the finest soft wavy hair from the fleece of a sheep. Not an effective contraceptive but boy is it soft!
Do you have a condom?” ... he replies “even better I got a wool sock”
by Smashatime December 22, 2017
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wool socks

a pair of super thick socks that a man forces onto a woman while she is in bondage.
He tied her up, shoved the wool socks into her mouth, and forced the socks onto her feet.
by fuzzysocks May 3, 2021
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Man, it's hotter than 2 cats fucking in a wool sock.
by kill yourself please October 3, 2005
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Extremely m-f-ing hot. Can be strengthened by appending "in Cairo."
"Kansas City in August is hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock." -Ichiro Suzuki

Your sister last night was hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock in Cairo. Unfortunately, now it itches.
by Nick D July 23, 2006
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Himalayan Wool Sock

A soft condom like tube knitted from the pubic hair of the women of the Kumaon tribe. Known for its insulating qualities. Its generally used by someone to transport a Himalayan Handbag to their willing recipient.
I made Jim a special Himalayan Handbag, but since he lives so far away I carried it to him in a Himalayan Wool Sock so it would stay frozen.
by Nightprowler69 April 7, 2021
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