An internet joke after it was invaded by the Colbert Nation. The elephants was the first to go.
Steven colbert just uber haxxor pwn wikipedia.
by domonx August 7, 2006
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What teachers don't want you to use because the information is too easy to find; the information is mostly correct.
wikipedia, encyclopedia, source
by Mammoockit January 24, 2008
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an evil EVIL website encyclopedia that LIES to you (LIES!!!) and tries to make you believe that it is on the side of good, and not an evil dictating government system that controls all.... *tear *sniff so sad.
(aka: basically you cant write whatever you want on wikipedia about whatever you want, they just want you to think that and since everyone can just go on and change it and if enough people agree with it then its deemed correct, it is not a reliable source of information. unlike THIS site.)
wikipedia=bad (a definite NO-NO)

by N-A-D-I-A November 4, 2006
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In the future, teachers will be a thing of the past now that we have wikipedia.
by Andrew Adkins November 28, 2007
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bob: did u know that that all clownfish have three stripes?

Tom: did you know.... nobody gives a shit! wikipedia nerd!
by Robert Hebeeb January 8, 2008
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if your not listed on there, your a nobody
Only famous or significant people are listed there on wikipedia. The all important information center formed into one.
by tatomuck1 March 29, 2009
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