“Wait I think I know who joe is” is a random joke used during…. Idk….
Person 1: Wait I think I know who joe is
Person 2: who is joe… wait OH NO
person 1: joe mama

Person 3 wait I figured out who joe is.
Person 4: joe mama
Person 3: no it’s joe Biden
Person 4: oh-
Person 3: joe Biden deez nutz
by Geloite the Protogen January 17, 2022
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P1: Did you know Joe got Ligma?
P2: No! What's Joe? Who's Ligma?
P1: Ligma Mama! Joe my balls!
by JoeMama4206921 February 5, 2020
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"I really gottem when he asked Joe who?"
by December 16, 2021
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You don't wanna know.

Please do not ask

they:Have tour heard who is plaing the concert

me:the said ot was foo figther and joe
they: who is joe?
me: giggles....
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